Richmond Rental Connect upcoming workshops schedule

In addition to our upcoming March workshop for Building Successful Tenant-Landlord Relations, here is the schedule for the next few months. The below dates, with the exception of November, will be held at the Richmond Caring Place (7000 Minoru Blvd.) from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 345/50. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., please email or call 604-205-4700 and leave a message to register.

  • Tuesday, May 13
  • Wednesday, July 16
  • Wednesday, Sept. 16

There will also be a workshop on Thursday, Nov. 13, location is TBA.

Building Successful Tenant-Landlord Relations is a FREE workshop provided for the community. The workshop will provide you with need to know information for developing a positive working relationship with your landlord or your tenant. Topics will include rental agreements, your rights and responsibilities as well as practical advice for positive interaction.